good vibes only

health & wellness & all things awesome

WEEK 9: Technology and Accessibility

Accessibility is such an important topic when it comes to Education. What comes to mind when talking about this topic is this recent Ted Talk I’ve watched from Michael Bingham around using creativity to unlock student’s diverse abilities:

In art, we’re taught to use imagination to solve problems, and Michael poses the question: why aren’t we doing that in all areas of education? The combination of knowledge and imagination equals innovation. So if Albert Einstein has said that imagination is just as important as knowledge, why aren’t there classes for imagination? Furthermore, Michael said that disability is often defined as not being able to do certain things. He posed the question: “Isn’t that true for all of us?” What if someone couldn’t paint a picture very well, and then their whole identity was known for that? People want to be known for what they’re good at, and imagination is the key to unlocking what that is.

Our guest speaker proposed the same idea. How can we, as teachers, foster an inclusive environment for everyone? How can we include kids with different needs in our class? With mentimeter, we came up with solutions.

I’m excited to be putting these conversations into practice as a teacher!

– reflection 8.0

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